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Buy Sun Joe Real Coyote Urine Territorial Repellentfrom
Mark your yard and garden as an active predator area with Sun Joe® Real Coyote Urine Territorial Repellent. Not an inferior synthetic blend, Real Coyote Urine is the all-natural by-product of 100% meat-fed coyotes. Harnessing the power of nature and natural order to create a perimeter to prevent damage to yard, garden, plants and shrubs, the all-natural coyote urine triggers the fight or flight response in small unwanted pests. Real Coyote Urine Territorial Repellent (SJ2-CU16) safely and effectively repels skunks, rabbits, deer, chipmunks, squirrels, ground hogs, gophers, mice, rats, voles and other small animals of prey. Count on the coyote to restore a little natural order to your yard and garden, with maximum results and minimum strain.
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