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Buy Far Cry 2 Fortune's Edition [Online Game Code] from
Far Cry 2 Fortune's Edition [Online Game Code] Brand: UBISOFT ESRB Rating: Mature 17 + (Blood, Sexual Themes, Strong Language, Violence) Genre: Shooter DRM: Uplay Feature: FORTUNE'S EDITION EXTRA CONTENT Far Cry 2 Fortune's Edition includes the following bonus content: - Two new vehicles: Unimog, Quad. - Three brand new weapons: Silenced Shotgun, Sewed-off Shotgun, Crossbow. - Five new exciting maps: Cheap Labor, Last Resort, Lake Smear, Fort Fury, and one exclusive map for PC. DUNIA ENGINE - The award winning Ubisoft Montreal dev team has tailor-made this new engine for Far Cry 2. It delivers the most realistic destructible environments, amazing special effects such as dynamic fire and storm effects, real-time day and night cycle, dynamic music system and non-scripted enemy A.I. FIRE - Feel the heat of the most realistic fire ever seen in a video game! Use wind and...
Buy the Far Cry 2 Fortune's Edition [Online Game Code] from for $9.99
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